Your Business is Unique

We create solutions to meet your needs

Customized Models

Pull many data sets together into one model for stronger insights

Multiple Data Points

Visualize many data points on one map to see where or how they interact

Interactive Maps

Custom maps that can be accessed by many from multiple locations

Models Built for Your Business

Unique problems need a custom solution

Every organization is unique and comes with challenges specific to its circumstances. We scour the globe looking for the most relevant data to your situation and combine the attributes you need into one model for you to use. We’ve helped organize key locations to relevant markers like first responders to schools.  We’ve built custom site selection models for clients to alter their criteria depending on available funds or market changes like COVID.  And we’ve built custom spatial marketing analysis models to assist companies looking to capitalize on economic growth patterns.

Interactive Maps

Engage with your maps and easily visualize how your data connects

Interactive maps allow you to engage with the data on your terms.  Zoom in to see details of a special area of interest or zoom out to see broader highlights.  Select only a few key attributes or select them all to see how adding or removing attributes affects your data.  As you prioritize what is important, the map adjusts with you.

All the Attributes You Need

Add or remove the points of interest for your organization

As we meet to discuss your needs, you will discover attributes that are more important to you than others.  We can layer on attributes with weighted priority, so you can control how it affects your data and then be able visualize it in that priority.