Introducing: Your Customers

Get to know who they are with Demographic Profiles.

Baseline Demographics

Population size, household income and size, median age, and ethincity are all included in each report

Population Comparisons

How does your customer demographics relate to the US population? What makes your customers unique?

Neighborhood Characteristics

Once you have your target profiles, learn more about where they live and what appeals to them.

Increase revenue with Demographic Profiles

Marketers know that campaigns targeted to key demographics produce more revenue

Demographic profiles arrange customers into statistically relevant groups that have similar qualities, buying habits, and interests.  You’ll learn where they live, what they like to buy, how much income they earn, how much education, how many people live in their household, and many more attributes.  This can help you tailor your message, product, pricing, and distribution to appeal to customer types that drive the majority your revenue. Large corporations use demographic profiles to build brands, tailor packaging, and even create pricing structures.  This same information is available to small businesses so you can compete.

Compare segments quickly and easily

Indexes are added to compare your key segments to the total population

Demographic indexes allow you to easily see how each neighborhood around your locations differs.  It’s a great way to visualize the impact demographics make. US demographics vary widely across towns, cities, counties, and states.  By focusing in on local neighborhoods, we can show you how effective your business can be with your target demographics.  When we try to appeal to everyone, we get lost in the clutter of many similar businesses and the millions of advertising messages that clutter our lives.  You can break through the clutter, reach your potential targets, and convert them into paying customers when you know who they are and what appeals to them.

Who lives in this neighborhood?

Demographic characteristics can be applied to neighborhoods to visualize where a customer type lives

After identifying demographics for your current customers, we can apply those demographics to target neighborhoods which will give you a better understanding of your total market opportunity.  It can show you where areas of opportunity exist as well as where you might be wasting marketing dollars.  It can also show you places where you might expand operations or areas of the country where you might be able to pull more ecommerce customers.

Demographic reporting should help you spend your marketing dollars more effectively.  By applying demographics into segment marketing, you will appeal to customers most likely to purchase from you.